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Easy Eats

Easy Eats
Meal Planning Made Easy.
Simple Recipes and Ideas that
Suit You and Your Family.
No image Easy Eat of the Week
Buffalo Chicken Pizza
Easy Eats > Seasonal : Fresh! > Tomato Salad
Tomato Salad
Tomato Salad Tomato Salad
Cherry tomatoes mingle with mozzarella, basil and balsamic inspired dressing.
PREP TIME: 40 Minutes
COOK TIME: No Cook Time

2 pints Cherry Tomatoes
1/2 Red Onion, sliced or diced
8 oz. Fresh Mozzarella Cheese
2 Tbsp. fresh Basil
1/2 to 3/4 Cup Light Balsamic Vinaigrette Dressing (to taste)
3/4 teaspoon seasoning
Black or Kalamata Olives, halved (optional)

Step 1  Step 1:
Slice cherry tomatoes in half (so they will absorb the vinaigrette). Slice or dice approx. 1/2 of the red onion. Cube the fresh mozzarella or if using Ciliegine mozzarella you could leave them whole. Julienne 2 Tbls basil. Half the olives, if using.
Step 2  Step 2:
Combine the above ingredients, add approx. 3/4 cup vinaigrette and mix well.
Step 3  Step 3:
Refrigerate for approx 30 minutes (the longer this sits the more flavor the tomatoes will absorb from the vinaigrette).
Step 4  Step 4:
Just before serving, sprinkle with about 3/4 teaspoon of Sel de Cuisine. This will enhance existing flavors, add some new, and make the dish come alive.
Step 5  Variation:
If you'd like to add some "presentation value" to this salad, after mixing it and resting it in the fridge, thread through skewers for individual servings that guests can just put on their plates with the rest of the items on your appetizer buffet!

Serving Suggestion:

Nutritional Analysis (per serving)


Easy Eats
Key Ingredients
Accompaniment Ingredients

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Order Total: $0.00

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